About Me

Who is Anna Lindfors?

Sexologist & Psychologist
Specialist in Sexological Therapy
Founder of HER

I wasn’t always sexually empowered and celebrating womanhood. In fact, my journey began from feeling broken and disconnected.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis at 20. This shifted me from exploring sensuality and womanhood into living with chronic pain and problem-fixing mode. Going through various hormonal treatments disconnected me from my sensuality and desire. I was performing life and people-pleasing in relationships. So on the surface, I was having the time of my life partying and studying, but underneath I had some healing to do.

At some point, I had enough. I felt that I wasn’t living my fullest life and I started healing. I worked through my trauma both psychologically and reconnected with my body and pleasure. I biohacked my endo into remission and was able to stop all synthetic hormones.

This unlocked Anna 2.0: via balancing my hormones naturally I reconnected with my desire and the incredible rush of energy and creativity that comes with it. I felt sensual in my body and started celebrating my womanhood again.

I truly understand the power we all have within, what it feels like to be disconnected from it and yet how incredibly empowering it is to reconnect with ourselves, our sensuality and femininity.

Now I help women like me to elevate performance and pleasure via the HEAL method.

The truth is that we all have trauma. We all have survived difficult life events. When we can show up authentically as we are, we can start healing and elevate our lives.
It was through accepting my pain, that I found my strength in it and turned it into power to help others. That’s what HEAL is about: reconnecting with yourself, your power and pleasure. It will transform your life, like it did mine.

Start your journey toward authentic pleasure and connection. Download your FREE guide to Full Body Orgasm. This guide will teach you how to reconnect with yourself, have authentic sex and expand pleasure into a full body experience.

Start your journey toward authentic pleasure and connection. Download your FREE guide to Full Body Orgasm. This guide will teach you how to reconnect with yourself, have authentic sex and expand pleasure into a full body experience.